Bill Lee voulait ramener les Expos et fusionner le Vermont.. (Forum)
Bill Lee candidat à la présidentielle américaine sous la bannière rhinocéros américain voulait légaliser le weed, ramener les expos à Montréal et annexer le Vermont au Canada....
ça aurait été tout un président...
Spaceman's platform: If elected, Bill Lee promises to bring back Expos
Yahoo Sports Staff
May 25, 2016
Bill "Spaceman" Lee was the winning pitcher at age 63 for the Brockton Rox, beating Worcester
Enter the Spaceman - That'd be Bill Lee, of course, the baseball cult hero whose latest lefty delivery involves running for governor of Vermont, on a platform that includes bringing the Expos back to Montreal and "voiding the border" between Québec and Vermont, he told CBC Montreal:
"We can work with the business people and get them to realize that it's in the best interests of the American League, in the best interests of baseball, it's in the best interests of Canada and of Vermont that there's an American League team in Montreal."
Lee ran for US president in 1988 under the slogan "No guns. No butter. Both can kill" and under the banner of the Rhinoceros Party, though he didn't end up on the ballot. So this latest campaign, under the same Liberty Union Party that gave Bernie Sanders his start, is not exactly virgin territory for Lee, whose "so far left, I'm right, because the earth is round" perspective remains intact at age 69, along with a dream he related to NECN that involves a reunion of his two big-league homes from 1969 to '82:
"When the Expos come back, the Red Sox will come [to Montreal], and we can go up for 75 cents on the dollar, get some good beer and watch the Red Sox play."
Lee, who still pitches every weekend for the Burlington Cardinals in the Vermont Senior League, told CBC he'd exploit the Cardinals' road trips as his campaign trail. The state election takes place November 8, the day as the U.S. presidential election.
"Tell Mr. Pierre Elliott Trudeau's son that Vermont is going to be part of Canada," Lee said during the CBC interivew. "Welcome us with open arms — we'll do well for you."
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